Just How Narrow is That Door?

As I approach my third year of retirement, or more like semi-retirement I’m still looking for balance. Every so often, I find it. It is comfort, peace, happy, joy…it is good! But then, world events, family messiness, and the never-ending renovations to what was intended to be our relaxed retirement oasis shoots my mind into overdrive.

As we settle into this new rhythm of life, Jim’s being a clear, predictable 4/4 while mine fluctuates between 5/4, 12/8 and once in a while a lovely 3/4 waltz meter, what’s becoming exposed is the big stuff. The “why are we here?” stuff. The, “I’m pretty sure things were never intended to be this complicated” stuff. My morning musings, as they often are, centred on God. Faith. Grace. Rules. Inclusion. Belonging.

Sometimes it feels like we try to micro-manage God. I’m pretty sure God is capable of doing His God-work without us holding fast and strong to our feeble interpretations of what it is He wants. God is a God of order, but I highly doubt He is rule bound the way us humans cling to our rules. It’s the collective we who act out in subtitles that say “do it MY way, or you don’t belong”.  

I worry about the narrative that condemns people based on a narrowly sliced view of scripture. God’s work is BIG, it’s inclusive, it is for all. 

Ultimately it’s between God and me. It’s personal. That’s the point of connection. This is where my heart returns to its source, the God of creation.  It is Grace. It is Inclusive. It is Transforming. It’s where I belong.

I wish that all believers would let go of their rules and really truly lean into God and Let God be God!


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3 Responses to Just How Narrow is That Door?

  1. patwdoyle11 says:

    Thanks for the gentle reminder that my morning musings should be more than a litany of to-do lists. Maybe not your intent…but my takeaway! My rhythm this past month was definitely missing beats, not in sync with much. Some mental musings in my morning journal is just what I need.


  2. bitteroldbat says:

    Odd. I thought our job was to micromanage ourself, not God.


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