Blogging: Is It Really Necessary?

I like blogging.

I like writing about life from my perspective. I find it helpful, dare I say, somewhat healing. Yet, I am keenly aware that ‘some people’ think that blogging is narcissistic. Yes, I’ve been told that. And yes, that causes me pause. After a deep breath, I give my head a shake, remind myself that I am 66 years old, and CAN DO WHAT I WANT!

Being a verbal processor, as are many in my family, I consider my blogging a way to talk out my feelings.

Having said that, I struggled with writing this ‘next’ blog post. So far, I’ve written and deleted at least three. They were either too sad, too depressing, too personal, too cheery, too fake and on and on. This brought me back to a basic question, why do I blog?

Do I blog in the hope that someone out there will understand, care, or respond? Am I looking for agreement or accountability? Will someone tell me that everything is going to be all right? Perhaps I want affirmation that my feelings and thoughts are above all, normal!

What is my why?

I blog because it helps to harness and organize my thoughts. Writing brings me clarity. I post my writing with the hope that maybe someone else will feel less alone alongside my thinking, sorrow, joy, and endless processing. I know I do when I read others’ posts.

Today is still tough. Along with the post-holiday weariness, there is a profound sadness in knowing that Tim will not be with us in 2023. I don’t know if I will ever completely accept that. It helps to know that there are those who know exactly what I mean. Indeed this a group we never wanted to be a part of…I get that now.

Thank you for sticking with me. I remain profoundly grateful for your friendship and kindness. Your vulnerability in sharing your own pain and experiences make mine easier to bear. It’s good to be reminded that I am not alone. We are not alone.

Perhaps we can sit together in stillness and simply be.

I love hearing from you. Until we meet again,


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1 Response to Blogging: Is It Really Necessary?

  1. patwdoyle11 says:

    You hit it on the head. “I blog in the hope that someone out there will understand, care, or respond. I blog because it helps to harness and organize my thoughts. I post my writing with the hope that maybe someone else will feel less alone alongside my thinking, sorrow, joy, and endless processing.” It is not narcissistic… it is human connection, because sometimes, the people physically closest to us are not the ones who we connect to on certain topics. You are not alone.

    Liked by 1 person

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